Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween Weekend

Any guesses on what I'm doing this weekend??? locking myself in my room and not leaving... at all. not for food or laundry or anything. I've heard about way too many parties and crazy stuff going on this weekend and I'm nervous, but i will have plenty of stuff to do. i have a take home Quiz due on Monday and a reading Quiz i need to read for... and not to mention all the Netflix i could ask for... and i found a new website that lets you watch all the TV shows for free you want. its called TV dome.

Anyways i got pictures from Auntie Sue today, of Butch and Angel... i miss them. i love getting pictures from home. Alyssa also emailed me from the Netherlands. I think thats all the news for now...

hmmm.... I think its Nap time...


1 comment:

  1. Nothing to be nervous about! Just go have a good time! If you happen to have a drink (not reccommending it, but if you do...) just watch it! If you leave your drink, order a new one. Don't trust anyone to "watch" it for you! You're in college! Go have a good time! It's halloween! Go TP a professor's house or something! HA! :) Love ya!
