Monday, December 13, 2010

Feeling great!

Today I got my surgery for my wisdom teeth and my extra pre molar. I actually feel a lot better now than I did the first time. I even made my own mashed potatoes today! and In not even swollen up!:) thanks for all you who prayed for me!

Im also really excited because today I went to check my school website to see if there have been any changes it showed me that i got into my online class that i was on the waiting list for!!! Latino and Latin American Studdies. Im super excited:)

Well hopefully My face stays unswollen and not start hurting really bad:)


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Finally Home Again!

Im done with all my classes and finals! I left on Tuesday like planned which was smart of me because it started snowing as soon as i left!

Yesterday I went truck shopping with my Grandpa, which is always fun because my Grandpa always gets the truck for whatever price he wants pretty much. We looked at a couple different Ford dealers(ew i know!) and didnt acually buy anything because shawn wasnt there to test drive them... but i learned a lot! like all car salesman are liers. I feel bad sometimes setting my Grandpa loose on them... and today im going shopping with my Grandma in La Connor!!! its going to be really fun!

well better get in the shower now!


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Finals and then homeward bound

I had my First Final yesterday! It was my Geology Lab final. I still have my final for my Geology Lecture on Tuesday from 8:00-10:00 in the morning, and a take home test for UNIV 101 and a paper for AIS due, both on Thursday.

Its nice to be done with classes except i spent, no joke, 5 hours in the library today. Now I'm almost done with my UNIV 101 final but i still have a long way to go with my AIS paper. Hopefully I get them both done early so I can leave on Tuesday after my Geology final:) Keep your fingers crossed:)

I have so much to pack to take home seeing as i will not be back for almost a month, i have to take home my two plants, our fishy, and all my "perishable" food. Hopefully the passes are clear so i can drive, because there is no way i can ride the bus this time...

Well hope everyone is having a good winter Holiday and i pray that everyone stays safe!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

New Schedule!!!

Signed up for my new classes for next quarter! so far it looks pretty good except im on a waiting list for one class and im not sure how i will find out if i get into it or not. I think im first in line to get in which gives me a pretty good chance of getting!

The rest of my schedule looks like this
  • 10-10:50am The Minority Experiences(TME)
  • 11-11:50am American Indian Studies: Contact Period(AIS)
  • 2-3:40pm Begining yoga
  • 10-10:50am The Minority Experiences(TME)
  • 11-11:50am American Indian Studies: Contact Period(AIS)
  • 1-1:50pm Water Polo
  • 10-10:50am The Minority Experiences(TME)
  • 11-11:50am American Indian Studies: Contact Period(AIS)
  • 10-10:50am The Minority Experiences(TME)
  • 11-11:50am American Indian Studies: Contact Period(AIS)
  • 1-1:50pm Water Polo
  • 10-10:50am The Minority Experiences(TME)
  • 11-11:50am American Indian Studies: Contact(AIS) Period
This is all my classes except my Latino/Latin American Studies class because 1. im on a waitlist for that class and 2. its an online class so im not sure how that will work into my schedule.

I got one more of my blankets done yesterday, its either Luis' or my Grandma's(since i chose Luis' colors and Grandma liked it and wanted the same one.) so here it is!!


Monday, November 29, 2010

Made it through the weekend!

First i want to start off this blog by saying that i love you Grandma Joan and know your in my prayers.

Well, this weekend was a nice change from my boring college life, and from the crazy 5 days before! Thanksgiving was such a great party! Thanks so much Grandma Linda for inviting us into your home:) it made me really happy that it wasn't just a grown up party where the adults just talked the whole time, we actually played a game that involved everyone from Grandma Loretta, to little Gracie! We played Catch Phrase, and it was amazing that Gracie got lots of the words on her own! Like jewelry box. Us adults couldn't get it but little Gracie got it all on her own!

On black Friday i went shopping! at like 2 in the afternoon, I'm not brave enough to go during the rush! but it was still crazy in Joan Fabrics! Me and my Grandma Loretta got there about 2 in the afternoon and we checked out at 4pm. There were lots of people getting fabric! We were number 30 because a lady didn't want to wait and gave us her number, at that time the Fabric counter was helping number 5... we were there for a while, but that was fine because it took me a long time to decide on what fabric i wanted. This year for Christmas i am making no sew blankets for some people! They don't take very long to make so i am already finished with 4 of them. Since the only two people that read my blog either A. went shopping with me and chose her colors(Grandma!) or B. I couldn't wait to show him so I already did!(Grandpa), I will put pictures on here to show what I have done!

This is all of them laying by each other.
This is Grandpa's, its just plain brown on one side and has a pattern of ducks on the other.

Here is the full Front of Grandpa's blanket.
This is Luis' Mom's blanket it is plain purple on one side and a faded purple with white Peace signs on the other.

Im not going to mention whos this is because they might read this but it is faded pink with white hearts on one side and faded purple with white peace signs on the other.

This is Luis' Aunt's blanket. Its tie dye red and orange on one side and plain orange on the other.

I really engoyed doing this and i only have two left but it is an expensive habit that i can not keep doing it. I spent $55 dollars on black Friday for 5 sets of fabric, and i saved over $100!! Joan Fabrics had a really great deal, 50% all the fabric and i also had a 20% off coupon so i got everything for 70% off! but it was still too expensive to do all the time.

I cant believe i only have one week left and the next is finals week!!! and then i will be home again for Christmas! but also will be home to get my surgery! I already got three of my wisdom teeth removed and now i have to get the second surgery to get the other three removed. I should be back to normal in about 4 days.

That is all i have on my mind right now, and this blog turned out to be extremely long!


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

All i can say is this weekend(including Monday, Tuesday and Wensday)have been crazy. Luis gave me a huge surprise when he called me and told me to come open the door for him, after telling me an hour ago that he had to work all weekend... The only problem was he was snowed in. He wanted to leave on sunday but couldnt until today when he rode the bus home with me. here are some pictures from the past 5 days.

Here is my car...

Luis playing with the snow

Us together in the snow!

Here is some more snow on my way to the bus stop this morning...

and here are the roads:) i drove!
Well thats all i have for now! cant wait for thanksgiving tomorrow!!! Grandmas house smells like pies!!! love this time of year!!!


Friday, November 19, 2010

I almost forgot...




New Dorm Room Set Up!!!

Here is the new set up for my dorm! It took me 4 hours to do all the moving and organizing but now i have way more room on my desk and our room feels way bigger!

My bed is now foot to foot with emily's

 All our appliences are now on one table!

The tv switched places with the fridge and the fish now resides on top of the microwave:)

My desk now has a lot more room on it:) and it also moved to the right about a foot.
My lamp is now in between our desks and my table top shelf is on both of our desks and we both use it.

well that is it for now... i cant wait to come home and see everyone for thanks giving.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

and another day full of joy.

More like another day filled with work... and pain, but like always there is a down side and an up side to everyday, today just seems to have many of them. Here are a few of them.

  • Upside-I got chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast!
  • Downside-woke up at 7:45 and couldnt go back to sleep(even though i went to sleep at 3 in the morning because i couldnt FALL asleep...)
  • Upside-My swim coach didnt show up for practice today so we played in the water and jumped off the diving boards and then left early.
  • Downside-I really wanted to have a good hard practice today...
  • Upside-We rearranged a lot of stuff in our room last night!!! (Pictures coming soon) And i love it!!!
  • Downside-I have a Geology quiz tomorrow
  • Upside-We just watched an interesting movie today in AIS
  • Downside-only got a 20/30 on my last AIS quiz we got handed back today.

Well i think thats it for now! 


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

update on my boring life....

This last weekend was extremely long because we had no class on thursday and my teachers decided to have no class friday also.... so i had a four day weekend. and both my roommates went home, so i was here for four days by myself! which was awesome! and what did i do???? i watched a ton of movies! there was a harry potter marathon on abc family so here is the list of movies i watched in order, and i know i wrote two of them twice, because i watched them twice:)and i know that monday isnt the weekend but i only have one class at 11 so it really is part of my weekend...
The Karate Kid
New Moon
Twilight(with comentary)
Harry Potter #1
Harry Potter#2
Harry Potter#2
Harry Potter#3
Harry potter#4
Harry Potter#5
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Mulan #2
The Princess and the Frog
Alice in Wonderland
The AristoCats

so far today i have watched no movies! haha but the day isnt over yet! and monday i got so much stuff done! not just watched movies! i did lots of homework, vaccumed and cleaned our room, organized my food and my desk, put up the rest of our holloween decorations on our mirror* and... french baraided Elyse's hair! and i feel like im missing a few things i did.... but oh well you get the picture:) very productive day!

* you might be wondering why i just finished putting up our decorations instead of taking them down... well we have decided to leave our decorations up for each holliday, so the sticky window things for holloween, christmas lights for christmas, and so forth until by the end of the year we live together our room will be really festive :) were really excited about it!

well about time to leave for swim:) ive decided to walk so im leaving a half hour early so i have time to get there and change.

oh one more thing! we are expecting a foot of snow tomorrow! BRING IT ON!!!


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Slow Weekend

The weekend started yesterday after my 11 class, because today is a holliday and the whole school doesnt have class today. And tomorrow both my teachers cancelled class because they didnt think people would come anyways. so i took the day off all day and tomorrow i have to do virtual friday(online homework for my AIS class) and some other homework i have. Including researching a major, for my university 101 class. AND i have my dorm all to myself because my roommates both went home yesterday.

Yesterday the power went out for 50 min! it wouldnt have been that big of a deal but it was dark, and i found out that there really isnt anything to do when there is no light, tv or internet! it finally came back on after 50 min of people running up and down the halls of my dorm screaming, and it sounded like there was a cow giving birth in the middle of the street. I just hope that doesnt happen again.

Well thats about it, right now im watching the first Harry Potter on ABC Family... speaking of Harry Potter i forgot to get more movies when i went home last weekend... oh well ill get them in two weeks:)


Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Here are some pictures of the snow! (it calmed down a lot:)



well.... i was planning on going to swim just now except that i looked out the window and i cant see more than five feet because its snowing so hard... and its freezing cold... i think i will go to the geology lab right now instead so i dont have to do it on friday... because both my other classes canceled because they want a five day weekend... so here i go taking a rock quiz 3 days early... wish me luck... pictures of the snow on the way. once i get outside ill snap some shots of the snow


Monday, November 8, 2010

Weekend News.....BUTCH!!!

As i Previously mentoined i went home this weekend:) it was an amazing weekend and i loved it.

on friday i met my aunt at work and we went to the new walmart in smokie point!! that was really exciting cuz i love walmart! then i went home to see butch:) he has gotten soooo big! and turrned into a creeper! he just sits and stares out of his cage now... he really wants out. this morning i woke up and i thought he was drinking his water but he was biting on the bars, to get out. crazy boy! he is just wasting his time but its actually good for him. he wont chew on the wood treats i bought him to keep his teeth healthy so him chewing on the bars should be about the same... here are some pictures of my fat boy!

he looks like hes struggling but he is really just chillen, he just woke up and he never really moves right away when he wakes up

again just chillin, he actually fell asleep like this for a long time
 sleeping:) look at his little paws!!!
 he stuffed his cheeks with food:)
 And here he was chewing on his cage this morning...

i also got pictures of my puppies:) but right now im super excited about my new convection oven! i already baked something in it!

they were Garlic cheese buiscuts:) yummy. it worked so well:)

well i think im going to take a nap now:) i woke up at 6:30 this morning to drive back before my class. which worked well until i got on 405, it was stop and go all the way until i got off it... so i had to fly to get to my class on time... i broke a speed limit a few times... haha and it snowed on top of the pass a little bit. it was a mix of rain and snow. but got here on time and safe... thats all that matters:) love you all! 


Saturday, November 6, 2010

My Baby...

So im home!! finally and im loving it:) just hanging out watching tv and TAKING BATHS!!! and holding my baby butch:) here are some pictures. hes getting soooo big!!!!

Here he is while im cleaning his cage:) crazy boy just likes sitting in my sleeve.

here he is sleeping while i watch tv:)

And here he is with food shoved in his face:) 

Thats about all i got right onw except that im going out to dinner with my Auntie Sue, Uncle Jon, Grandma and Grandpa today. and then spending the night with Keelia tonight:) super excited:)

P.S. i do miss you alyssa but your not at home! lol i was just naming ppl from home that i will get to see this weekend!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lame But Just What I Needed:)

This weekend i definitely just slept all weekend. i didn't even leave my dorm room at all:) and i enjoyed every min of it:)

BREAKING NEWS- I interrupt this paragraph to tell you that i 100% on my AIS quiz on Monday:) now back to that paragraph

I also was told that our dorm is NOT getting an oven.... I'm really upset about it because that means no cookies, cake, cornbread, or anything else that needs to be baked.... so Ive decided to ask for a toaster oven for Christmas... or i saw the new George Forman on TV and it can make muffins:) and bake things because it has changeable plates to cook things like that.

As for plans this weekend? I'M GOING HOME!!! I'm really excited... i miss everyone.. Grandma, Grandpa, Butch, Auntie Sue, Uncle Jon, Tapanga, Angel, Hurc, Abby.... am i missing anyone???? ha ha oh yeah! And Luis:) i cant wait to come home and see everyone and hold my baby butch:D

well i have a Geology Test tomorrow.... wish me luck...


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween Weekend

Any guesses on what I'm doing this weekend??? locking myself in my room and not leaving... at all. not for food or laundry or anything. I've heard about way too many parties and crazy stuff going on this weekend and I'm nervous, but i will have plenty of stuff to do. i have a take home Quiz due on Monday and a reading Quiz i need to read for... and not to mention all the Netflix i could ask for... and i found a new website that lets you watch all the TV shows for free you want. its called TV dome.

Anyways i got pictures from Auntie Sue today, of Butch and Angel... i miss them. i love getting pictures from home. Alyssa also emailed me from the Netherlands. I think thats all the news for now...

hmmm.... I think its Nap time...


Wednesday, October 27, 2010


so here are the pictures from Luis' phone!

 And here is the blanket i got him for our anniversary:)
 it says Jorge Luis & Christina Marie 10-22-09
 here is my coffee maker:) i love it so much!!!
 you put these little cup things into the top(this one is hot chocolate)
 and then it warms the water and makes your coffee or hot chocolate! yum!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Friday was me and Luis' one year anniversary, he came to visit:) i miss him now that hes gone but we had a great weekend. He decided he wanted to get me a coffee maker... it also does hot chocolate. its actually really awesome and i love it:) I Got him a woven blanket with a collage of pictures of us on it. he just got it when he got home because it was sent through the mail to his house just to make sure he would get it. i really wanted to see it, but there was no grantee that it would get to my dorm while he was here. so i sent it to his house... i will see it next time he comes or next time i come home:)

on Saturday we went to yakima and visited shawn and nikki:) and luis got to meet the babies... i took some pictures

i got some of him and kaelee also but they are on his phone so he needs to send them too me before i can post them. but never fear!! i will bug him till he sends them!

now it is time to do some homework:) its not due till wensday but i should get started:)


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day and Night...

So all the animals on earth were gathered together discussing important issues, and Bear asked the Question: How do we divide Day and Night?

Some animals wanted it to be Day all the time and others wanted it to be Night all the time. So they argued about it until Ground Squirrel said "why don't we divide Day and Night like the rings on Raccoons tail? One dark band and then an equal light band."

All the animals agreed on this and adopted the new Day and Night routine, which repeated over and over equal Day and equal Night.

But Bear was jealous of Ground Squirrels Wisdom so he scratched him on his back. And to this day Ground Squirrel bears the marks of Bear's jealousy.

(This is the story we were told today in American Indian Studies. I thought it was very interesting, so i blogged it)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Weekend Plans

well before i tell everyone my weekend plans im going to start off by saying that my fishy panchito died the day after i bought him:( i woke up and he was floating belly up... so i went to the pet store to try to figure out what i did to kill him. i was worried that i used the betta water conditioner and maybe that wasnt good for him but the lady said it should have been fine and i asked if it was the tap water. she said that is just like the city water and should be fine too... so i bought another one. and this time i put him in bottle water... and he lived for two days and woke up and he was dead too... so i guess im done with fish for a while... maybe i will buy a snail...

as for plans this weekend. my friends from stanwood asked me if i would drive them to wenatchee so austin could visit his dad on saturday and pick them back up on sunday. i agreed but told them that they would have to foot the gas bill, they were totally cool with that so we leave tomorrow. my plan is to drop them off, go shopping a little maybe visit a pet store and see if i can get something that wont die in my bowl, stop in the park and do some reading for my AIS class, and maybe go out to dinner with Bob and Jan if they call me back. and then drive myself home... to an empty room because Emily just left for the weekend to go home and Elyse is going to stay with one of her friends for a girly night.... good thing about having the room is: i dont have to worry about waiting for the shower(even though that wasnt ever a problem before) and it will be quiet. The bad thing is that i have to wait to watch csi miami until they get back because ive got them both hooked(muahaha) and it will be quiet... maybe ill play loud music just so it will seem normal... well better go do somereading so i dont have to read a million pages this weekend!


Monday, October 11, 2010

New Fish!

My new fish has a Mustache! now he really needs a good mexican name... Carlos? Fredrico? Fernando? Allejandro? Edwardo? any good ideas?

haha see his mustache???
 isnt he beautiful???

American Indian Studies Quiz...

OH MY GOOODDDNEESSS!!!!!! so to start this story at the begining the first AIS quiz that i took i got 17 out of 30. not really good. and i was thinking i might actually fail this class because its really hard. but we just got  the second quiz we took, back today... and i got 25 out of 30!!!!! i got 5 out of 10 on the true/false 10 0ut of 10 on both essay questons and our pop quiz was stapled to the back and GUESS WHAT???? 10 out of 10!!! so really i got 35 out of 40!!! im so happy and surprised! and we took another quiz today and i think i only missed 2 true/false... but keep your fingers crossed!!!

now off to the pet store to buy a gold fishy!!! my aunt and uncle brought us my aunts betta fish from home and we named him MarTraviLu with a silent z at the end (MarTraviLuz) haha its a mix of all of our boyfriends names Martin, Travis, and Luis. :) we even made him a sign.


Friday, October 8, 2010

I got 100%

Thats right!!! i got 13 out of 13 on my Geology Quiz!!! Im so happy. i even over studdied:) who knew i would do so well with rocks? not me! anyways i went to my lab this morning and again got out an hour early... what do you do for an hour? i just sat in my Geology class by myself and texted emily. what a life. but i  cant complain i love college:)

now it is time for me to go to fredmeyer and the taco truck:) cant wait!!!


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

tired... and losing weight.

i am officially losing weight. even though i am eating junk food and carbs, and i know its because i walk to all my classes. especially swim. i have forced myself to walk to and from swim every tuesday and thursday. its completely across campus so its a really long walk. but if thats what it takes not to gain weight then its worth it.

classes are interesting. one i am doing really good and one is kinda hard but im trying hard to get my quiz scores up. i found out i have to take notes on what i read because there is so much that i forget what i read. other than that life is good.

i have to run to the store tonight or tomorrow. im out of milk and i need a few other things... maybe ill just wait till this weekend and go to yakima... i wanna go to the mall. maybe ill call shawn and nikki and see if they want to go to dinner... hmmmm.

well im exhausted now from the workout today so im going to take a nap because my roommates are gone and its nice and quiet here:)


Sunday, October 3, 2010


Luis came to visit me this weekend!!! His mom didnt end up coming with but she sent me tamalies!! I cant wait to eat them. He stayed at the Hampton Inn which in my oppinion was very nice but kinda expensive. He arrived on friday about 9:00 so i didnt see him untill saturday. On saturday we went to breakfast, then walked around my campus. I took him to all my classes. He wasnt too pleased its a really long walk:) We walked throught the japanese garden also which was really nice:) And after that we just drove around town so he could get to know it a little better. At about 11:30 i was hungry so he took me to the taco truck(#1). yay tacos! and then we were trying to think of places to go and things to do. I brought up maybe going to the mall in yakima. we finally desided to go to cashmere(well he desided and i was just along for the ride.) not that i was complaining. He was finally hungry by the time we got there so first i took him to the taco truck(#2) After that we drove past garths house and then to the orchard to meet Jorge. But he wasnt there so i asked Luis if he wanted to go see my dads grave. He said yes but first we have to stop by and get some flowers, and he paid for them! Gosh he is such a sweet boy. and he was a little upset when i showed him Grandpa Jess' and Uncle Buds grave too. He said i should have told him so he could have brought more flowers. After that we went past the house i used to live in and then we desided to go find Jorge at the other orchard. here comes the funny part. we  found Jorge collecting the Latters to take them back to the Shell Place. and Luis finally got to meet Jorge.

heres how it went. they talked to eachother in spanish for a little bit and the convorsation ended with Jorge telling Luis that i am practically his daughter, my dad and him were really good friends and if he ever left me Jorge said that he would come find Luis.... haha we laughed all the way home because Luis kept saying how paranoid he was now! before we left cashmere i was hungry so, again to the taco truck(#3)!! and he really liked cashmere, everything, the weather, Jorge, the orchard. he kept saying "its just like mexico" needless to say he fell in love with it too:) and with Jorge. and of course when we got back to Ellensburg he was hungry... any guesses where we went? Taco Truck(#4)!!!! so we had a great time together and next time we get to be together will probably be the week of our 1 year anniversery, which is 10-22-09 so its about three weeks away. 

oh and by the way the numbers are counting how many times we went to the taco truck on saturday only. we went again on Sunday:) i could eat there every day:)

well that was my weekend in a nut shell:) 


Friday, October 1, 2010

Lots to do?

Today i had my first lab for geology. we learned conversions on a map and how to read longitude and lattitude. The instructer let us out an hour early(its a two hour class) and so i got to go get breakfast and coffee before geology:) which makes me happy:) and my geology teacher is still my favorite teacher. we took a quiz today and i only might have missed one! i dont remember what my answer was because i couldnt deside between two answers. but he told us the answers after we were finished and i might have gotten them all right!!! too bad i cant say that about my AIS quiz we took last monday... speaking of AIS. last week they gave us two chapters and two articles to read off line. we all started complaining and thought it was so much... and this week? three times as much!!! holy crap! i have to read chapters 2&3 out of Indian Givers, 2, 3, &14 out of the stupid Archaeology book, and a 28 page article off line... ive already read chapter 2 of indian givers and half the article off line...  this class isnt gonna go well i can already tell. the good part about that class though is today we watched a video of a storyteller and she told some storries that the Navajo Natives tell their kids to teach them lessons. it was so amazing!!! while she talked she used hand signals for all the animals and half the other words... i started crying a few times. and we didnt even finish it today so we get to watch more on monday! i really cant wait! well i better get back to reading! just needed a little break.


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Interesting fact of the day.

Iteresting fact of the day #1

At one point, Africa and North America were coliding on the eastern coast. that is where the Appalachian Mountains came from. but any of you that know where the Appalachian Mountains are not close to the coast. That is because when Africa and North America decided they wanted to go opposite directions, we stole some of Africa. And where is that stolen part of Africa? Deep in the south.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I Had visiters today!!! my grandma, grandpa and tapanga!! im so glad they came because i missed them soooo much!!! we went out to lunch and then just drove around the back farm roads:) it was so conforting:)

well im almost done with my cross stitching project!! i think one more day will do it! yay!

today in my AIS class my teacher taught us the same lesson exactly as my geology teacher did yesterday. i even got my notes out from that geology lesson. the only difference was my geology teacher explained it better!!! a little bit of a waste of time for me.. but oh well.

I cant wait for this weekend! Luis and his Mom are coming!!! well his mom said she was gonna come. but it would be just like her to change her mind at the last second. but hes coming:) i cant wait!! now it would be perfect if he could just smuggle Coffee in his suitcase all the way here:) but i know thats not gonna happen. i still look forward to seeing him:)


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wet Hair... and Chlorine.

The first day of swim class went awesome!! i almost finished the whole workout. i would have except our coach stopped us to do a time test to see how much we improve over the course of the ten weeks. i swam 150 yards in 2 min. i dont know how i can improve that lol... but i guess maybe i can get one more 25 in there. all together i swam 1500 yards in 45 min. not bad at all.

the only thing weird about this practice was there were no lane lines so we had to just swim and hope we didnt run over anyone. me and the person next to me are hoping to circle swim together next time. 

and after i got out my coach asked me how the workout was! she told me she wrote it specifically for me because she knew i was worried about maybe being too advanced for their workouts! and it worked perfectly! im starting to really love her! i cant wait to get in the pool on thursday! anyways i should probably go eat an actual lunch! i had a snack before i went but its lunchtime now! and i think im gonna do some cross stitching! im almmost done with a project i have been working on for a while! here is a picture of it!


Sunday, September 26, 2010

New Friend!!!

so i met a new friend in Geology!! i dont know if ive mentioned him yet! his name is John Chen. I just found out that he chose the name John when he came here! so we wouldnt try to pronounce his real name. haha smart boy! we would all butcher it probably!

i sat with his friends today for dinner! it was cool! and i also learned a new word! Sin Chao. it means hello! i said it to them and they all got really happy and told me i pronounced it perfect with a perfect accent which made me happy. :)

i also found out today that Luis might come visit me next weekend!!! i can hardly wait! I miss him! and his family.. and Coffee(his pitbull)!! he sent me a picture of Coffee... i wish he could bring him with when he comes to visit but it wouldnt be a good idea... man i miss that dog.

well now i need to go finish reading a chapter in my archeaology book for american indian studdies. i think this class will be interesting eventually but right now... wow its boring...


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Freshman 15. Myth or Truth?

i now see why everyone gets the "freshman 15". and its not because of the school food!! its because all there is to do in our dorms is eat! so what do we do all day??? eat! and i think i have probably already gained the dreaded 15... haha so much for all that lost weight in spain! im gonna have to start climing the rock wall everyday!! i now just need to find someone to go with! :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Settling Down

today i found out the hard way that i cant park out in front of my dorm. appperently from 2am to 6am there is no parking in the dorm parking outside of munson. now that thats all figured out ill have to walk about a mile to get to my car. lame.

yesterday i went to my first swim class. which was more like "sit there for 15 min class" then leave. i was really looking forward to swimming. oh well ill just have to wait for next tuesday. ill make it. my other classes are good also. actually its really interesting im kinda learning the same thing in both my geology class and my American Indian Studdies(AIS), because one of my AIS teachers is an archaeologist.

since today is Native American day, me and Emily watched Pocahontas. now im thinking about either taking a really long shower, or sleeping. man im such a good kid. haha but there is nothing else to do in this town except party and shop at fredmeyer... i miss walmart!!!! and it gets dark here really early!! like 7:00!! not cool! and it has rained every day since i got here!

well here starts the first weekend here with nothing to do. ill let you know how it goes!


Wednesday, September 22, 2010


classes went great today. i had geology first today, and i found out that i had to buy another book. but it was only 7 dollars so its all good. and i love my teacher. he flat out told us that he had our class of 60 people pegged. he said 20 of us are amazing students and will ace everything and teach themselves, 20 of us are just waiting for someone to get them excited and pull them into the topic(he said that was who he was pitching the class too) and the last 20 people shouldnt be here, dont wanna be here and would do more good back home working on the farm. he is my new favorite person.

my American Indian Studies class went well too. i actually have two teachers for it. an archetect(sp) and a native american herself. this is gonna be so interesting because they have such different view points. anyways all went good today and after i ate at the surc (Student Union and Recreation Center) i came back to my dorm and slept for four hours. i didnt even know i was tired! i slept this morning till i couldnt sleep anymore! anyways all is good here, now im gonna go watch some csi miami.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Free Day

Today i had nothing to do all day so i went out to lunch at the taco truck:) yum yum and i had to go get more poster hangers because my cork boards wouldnt stay on the wall. our room is finally clean and all our posters are up. so here are the pictures of that and us three:)

this is emily's bed

this is our desks.

this is our livingroom and elyse's bed

this is our man wall...

my bed and desk.

this is the three of us by our door

us by our man wall

well tomorrow i start classes. but i found out my first class is right next to my dorm:) i dont have to be there till ten anyways but its nice that i wont get lost. my second class is one i have already been too also so i know where im going tomorrow. and its also not far from my dorm.